Worked since 1991 for KW-Computer Ges.m.b.H in Salzburg, Austria. Played a lot with OS/2 2.0+. Used IBM and gcc (emx) compilers. Toyed too much with TeX (especially Metafont) - Eberhart Mattes dvipm is the best DVI-viewer I've seen. Programmed Mumps (DSM-11) on PDP-11/{23,73,83}.
Learned Linux (Unix) from scratch.
Left KW-Computer (no interesting projects) and went independent. Bougth an Alpha for playing.
Supported Jon ``maddog'' Hall at Cebit. I attend CeBit every year since 1998 working for Linux International or the Linux Professional Institute (LPI)
Joined Quant-X a distributor of Alpha-based systems. Designed, coded and documented the Quant-X Alpha Linux distribution (including installer). Fixed 64-bit issues in a lot of programs and libraries. Created and supported Linux/alpha based high-performance clusters. Various speeches about Linux (in general) and HPC-clusters in various european countries. Bought a sparc64-machine (to address byteorder issues).
Dejan Muhamedagic joined Quant-X. He works now for IBM (Vienna). Excellent programmer, sysadmin and Digital Unix expert. We learned a lot from each other while workig for Quant-X.
Created the MSM-Cache migration plan for KW-Computer. Tested Cache 3.1 and delayed migration to 4.0 because of various issues. Lot of code reviews, reiserfs filesystem, OpenSSL. Authored the OpenSSL Perl module. Authored the PApp PKI trustcenter kit, an environment to manage SSL/TLS certificates.
Patched mindterm (a Java-based ssh client and terminal-emulation) to accept (temporary) rsa-keys that are passed to the applet for single sign on. (it's cool, cool, cool :)
Tested and extended Cache. (Embedded File-API to write bzip2-compressed, AES encoded and SHA1 signed files, embedded OpenSSL, Perl (win32 and Linux).) Worked on the ASP system of KW-Computer. (Customers can work on-site in 256 chrooted databases, sigle sign-on based on SSL/TLS certificates.)
Authored dhcpp (DHCP penetrator), a tool for testing huge dhcp-servers (the largest in Europe).
Moved to Karlsruhe, Germany and worked for nethype together with Marc Lehmann Involved in designing PApp!Agni (sorry, german only), a persistant object-storage - in-depth research about object-oriented design and programming.
Worked on serval projects (mostly C, C++, Perl and SQL).
Entered a heavy depression at the end of April 2003 which rendered me out of business for half a year. Moved back to Graz, Austria.
Worked for KW-Computer, Graz in various areas. Ported PApp to Apache2. Designed and authored ``r2d2'' an extremly flexible and secure web-based BBS.
Entered a heavy depression in May which rendered me out of business for seven months.
No depression this year. :) Unemployed but busy. Working on various projects.